Automotive Products

For more than three decades, AIEG has served its members by providing unparalleled litigation support in crashworthiness cases. Automotive defect cases are technically complex by their very nature and generally expensive to pursue. Opposing counsel is generally of the highest caliber, contentious, well-funded and employs nationally-coordinated, carefully-tested legal strategies.
To help level the playing field, AIEG maintains an expansive collection of pleadings, written discovery, motions, briefs, trial exhibits and other materials that are invaluable. Such information generally exists for all major automakers and defect issues. These materials eliminate the need for member lawyers to start from scratch when litigating these cases.
In addition, AIEG regularly holds seminars and webinars to familiarize members with these materials and to discuss pre-litigation and trial tactics.
AIEG members also benefit from the close friendships that develop among trial lawyers who are genuinely dedicated to helping one another without any expectation of compensation or case participation.
It is fundamental that each member is better able to represent their client when all members collaborate and share their combined wisdom and knowledge. The benefits of AIEG membership for even a single case is well worth the cost.
Success through sharing the vast cache of automotive product data, permissible documents and key knowledge is the very backbone of AIEG. The organization has amassed a large quantity of sharable files covering many automotive product defects and crashworthiness claims.
Consumer Products

As with automotive products, AIEG is committed to helping its members be successful in this area of litigation by sharing critical knowledge with regard to consumer products that cause harm. To that end, AIEG continually expands its database of information relating to all manner of consumer products.
Defects in consumer products are as varied as the array of products available to consumers for purchase. Product manufacturers, designers, distributors, wholesalers, and sellers are supposed to make sure that their consumer products are safe for consumption and use. But they often do not, especially in the case of foreign manufacturers who are not subject to the same federal safety regulations and industry guidelines as U.S. manufacturers. When litigating these cases, many potential defendants are often overlooked. Information sharing is critical to help identify the proper defendants and obtain a successful resolution of a case.
AIEG is here to help its members advocate for their clients, cut through technically difficult issues, and create new strategies throughout the life cycle of each case.
Medical Malpractice

The Medical Malpractice Section of AIEG provides members with valuable resources to help their clients whether they are handling a large volume of medical malpractice cases or screening an occasional case. These resources include issues of AIEGVoice dedicated to medical malpractice topics of interest to members and regular CLE presentations at the AIEG Spring and Fall Seminars. Members also benefit from breakout sessions on medical malpractice at seminars and email exchanges on expert witness recommendations and defense experts.
AIEG’s history of confidential information sharing is critical when representing clients in medical malpractice cases. The unique expertise and attention to detail AIEG members have been sharing for decades in product liability cases translates effectively in medical malpractice litigation. AIEG offers a familiar home for members who do both product liability and medical malpractice cases, and we welcome your participation in our section.
Roadway Safety

Roadway/highway design efforts often create safety issues that contribute to causing an accident or injures. Because most of the highways and bridges in the United States were built in the 1950’s and are now well past the end of their projected fifty years life expectancy, they are in desperate need of repair or replacement. In many parts of the country that work has begun. But many temporary design hazards can arise during the highway re-construction phase. AIEG provides members support with roadway design safety claims.
Members may find themselves with cases involving defective roadway designs such as dangerous curves, ramps, lack of signage or involving pedestrians, construction workers or bicyclists. Members may also be faced with an increase in cases with distracted driving as a factor. Whatever the fact pattern, AIEG is ready to be part of your team.
Trucking Safety

Cases involving heavy trucks can be as complex as they are devastating. AIEG members have the edge when litigating complex trucking safety cases which can run the gamut from basic negligence claims such as fatigue, hours of service violations, training and supervision to complex product defect issues involving poor cab design leading to unnecessary driver injury or death in a crash.
What is unique about AIEG? AIEG has the most secure and user friendly database that you will find anywhere. The trucking database has thousands of documents and depositions that can be used in virtually any truck case. Our members are constantly adding to the trucking database. We have a very active membership that truly embodies our slogan of “Success through Sharing”®. AIEG includes trucking and trial advocacy issues in all of our seminars and devotes an annual two day seminar to cutting edge issues in truck cases. We also have a listserv devoted to heavy truck cases. Some of the resources we offer in truck cases is set forth below.
AIEG Trucking Database and Resources
- Depositions of truck experts including accident recon, safety experts, etc.
- Pleadings in truck cases including motions, responses, briefs, orders, etc.
- Complaints, discovery requests, expert reports
- CDL Manuals for all 50 states
- Truck safety manuals
- Trial transcripts including voir dire questions, openings, closings, direct and cross exams, etc.
- Thousands of documents related to product defects in truck cases
Trucking cases are vigorously defended. Having AIEG on your side can make the difference. Members can rely on AIEG for the information, advice and collaboration needed to successfully litigate a trucking case.